Liz Protsman

Liz Protsman

Client testimonial

Losing weight was only the first step in this journey. With a starting weight of 199lbs I would have never in a million years thought I would find myself on stage just 2 years later at 129lbs.

Stacey Killian

After years of “going on diets”, losing weight, “going off diets” and gaining the weight back I had decided to just grow old gracefully and resolved myself to being chubby like most other Americans over age 40. That is… until Dec. 11, 2007, the day I met Joe Clark. Joe asked me what size I wore…I told him a 14/16. He then asked me what size I would like to be, and I told him a size 10 would be dreamy! Joe then asked me what the smallest size I had worn EVER as an adult was. I told him probably an 8 in high school…..he said “then you can be an 8!!!” Starting that day, I began to eat the way Joe told me to eat, work-out with him 2 days a week and work-out by myself the remaining 5 days a week. In exactly 2 months & 3 days (Valentine’s Day) my husband gave me a size 8 pair of Levi’s. I put them on and wore them every day for the next week!!! At night I would lie awake and wonder….”am I dreaming??” How can this be, after all these years of being invisible, thinking I would NEVER feel attractive again, suddenly I’m wearing a size smaller than I ever thought possible!!!??” From there, I’ve never looked back!

Losing weight was only the first step in this journey. As the months ticked by I continued to work out and eat right. After a year or so, Joe asked me if I might be interested in competing in a Figure Model Competition. He encouraged me to take this chance by saying that if you set a high goal, you will be more disciplined to take your workouts to the next level. I decided to set that goal for myself. Joe worked with me on building muscle and trimming off fat.

Rachel & Steve Payne taught me, through many hours of practice, to pose and walk gracefully (a huge challenge in 5 inch heels). With a starting weight of 199lbs I would have never in a million years thought I would find myself on stage just 2 years later at 129lbs. The SNBF Figure Competition on Oct. 3rd, 2009 was an amazing experience and has motivated me to continue to strive towards goals I once never thought possible. The whole experience taught me to make a decision and make myself follow through and finish the task. It also makes me want to tell every woman I see….you CAN do it…you CAN change…you CAN be noticed again! I know a place that will change your life!!……House of Payne Personal Training.

I am so thankful to have the opportunity to work out at the House of Payne. It is more than just a gym; it’s a community of people encouraging each other to be the best they can be. If you are looking for a place to go to learn how to make your body look and feel its best, the House of Payne is the place for you.

Come join us, there’s room for one more : )